Financial planning is all about developing strategies to help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals. To be financially secure and well organised is a goal that is shared by many but achieved by few and that is why having a financial plan is such an integral part of achieving your financial goals.
In this day and age where the financial landscape is full of ever-changing rules and regulations it is difficult to understand the intricacies of investment, taxation and superannuation, so you need the help of a professional financial planner.
At Compass Financial we can develop a strategy that is specific to achieving your financial goals. By tailoring our advice to your individual needs and wants we can create a financial solution that will satisfy all of your financial needs. Your Financial Plan may include areas such as:
Superannuation and Retirement Planning
Investment, including shares and/or managed investments
Insurance Advice
Estate Planning
Of course, at Compass Financial we believe the initial advice is just the beginning of your Financial Plan. The second equally important service we provide is that of ongoing advice. This will ensure not only that you help you have implemented the initial recommendations but that your situation is being reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that you are achieving your financial goals and objectives. Given that your personal circumstances will continue to change and the economic, financial and legislative environment will definitely continue to change, it is this ongoing relationship between you and your financial adviser that will help to ensure you remain on the path to financial freedom.